Take Control of your account with SmartHub!
Login to your SmartHub account now to pay your bill, check your electric use, and report an outage. Click on our SmartHub tab to get registered today!

Our lights stay on
Carroll Electric members enjoyed power 99.9% of the time in 2021.

A little change goes a long way.
Consumer-members who round up their bill each month
contribute to local organizations and individuals in need.
Outage map
Carroll Electric's outage map is available here or through the SmartHub app on your mobile device. To report an outage, call 1-800-232-7697 or use the SmartHub app, as these are the quickest ways to get restoration underway.
Connecting with Carroll Electric couldn't be easier with the SmartHub app. Pay your bill online. View kilowatt-hour use and electric use graphs. Report an outage. All at the tip of your fingers, 24/7/365. Download SmartHub today!
Outage myths
Power outages are disruptive, inconvenient and frustrating. But, outages are just as disruptive to Carroll Electric, which is why we try to prevent them in the first place.